Has your love life reached a dead end? Looking for ways to spice up your sex life? Experiencing hurdles to being the best lover you can be?
Nothing to be ashamed of! Most couples experience difficulties and conflict relating to their sex lives. This can be for many reasons, none of which should be considered strange, deviant or taboo. Believe me, we've probably heard it all before! Too often couples find it hard to talk about their sex life. But communication is key.
Previously a sex educator, I have since become a regular on television and radio and at academic institutions, offering advice and expertise on various issues around sex and sexuality. I have also (controversially in the minds of some) worked within the sex industry as both an adult entertainer and escort for women. Ramona also has experience from within the sex industry as well as having worked for many years as a social worker (not to mention being Dutch!).
Together, Ramona and I have hosted a talk show 'SeXpress' on Xpress Radio Scotland, offering listeners and callers the chance to discuss a wide range of issues to do with sex, love , gender, romance and sexuality.
Now we offer this service to individuals and couples who seek help and guidance in all aspects of their sex lives.
We can offer both face-to-face and online sessions.
Visit our webiste www.BendyandDutchy.com for more information.
As an extension of this program, you may be interested in our Erotic Massage service.
Call us today on 604-369-251 or email benedictgarrett@hotmail.co.uk to discuss further your requirements and our prices.
Your 'celebrity'
Tel. 604-369-251
Find out more about our
Sex, Sexuality & Relationships
coaching & advice service